Episode 68
Back on Track and Streaming Satoshis
Blair gives some tips on how to stay positive during times like these. Martin gives us some statistics, and tell how you could become a "podfan"...
Call-to-Action: After you have listened to this episode, add your $0.02 (two cents) to the conversation, by joining (for free) The Secular Foxhole Town Hall. Feel free to introduce yourself to the other members, discuss the different episodes, give us constructive feedback, or check out the virtual room, Speakers' Corner, and step up on the digital soapbox. Welcome to our new place in cyberspace!
Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:
- Play It Again Sam! Turn the Table on National Record Store Day.
- Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)
- "Evil Woman - The American ELO"
- The Romantic Manifesto
- Andrew Layman's Top 3 Objectivist Content Recommendations
- How Does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational Society?
- “What Can One Do?”
- All politics is local
- HumanProgress.org
- SuperAbundance book
- The Roots of Progress
- Jason Crawford
- News sandwich
- Ominous Parallels by Dr. Leonard Peikoff
- The Cause of Hitler's Germany
- The Paper TIger
- Calumet "K"
- Fruity Dreams about Jingle and Orchestral Bells
- Kyrin Down's review of The Secular Foxhole podcast
- Welcome to The Secular Foxhole Podcast! (trailer, August 26, 2020)
- Podcasting 2.0 Meetup
- Open Podcast Prefix Project (OP3)
- Martin's tweet about podcast apps stats
- Fountain
- Podverse
- PodcastApps.com
- Roland Horvath
- 1 Satoshis = SEK 0.0028
- Tonewrecker
- Dave Jones
- Shania Twain
- Trekker
- William Shatner
- Rob Greenlee
- Todd Cochrane
- New Media Show
- Bitcoin
- Orange-pill
- Swan Bitcoin (Martin's referral link)
- David Veksler on Crypto
- Podfans.fm
- Martin on Podfans
- Sam Sethi
- Get Alby
- Martin's page on Alby
- Intro. to Podfans DOT fm
Episode 68 (26 minutes) was recorded at 1700 Central European Time, on April 29, 2023, with Ringr app. Martin did the editing and post-production with the podcast maker, Alitu. The transcript is generated by Alitu.
Easy listen to The Secular Foxhole podcast in your podcast (podcatcher) app of choice, e.g., Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Gaana, Listen Notes, or one of the new podcast apps, on Podcast Index, supporting the Podcasting 2.0 initiative, and Value for Value by streaming Satoshis (Bitcoin payments). Oscar Merry is ahead of the game, with his Fountain app. Make a micropayment transaction with the new podcast app, Fountain.
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OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
Good afternoon and good evening, everyone.
Blair:Welcome to another episode of the Secular Foxhole podcast.
Blair:I think my voice sounds a little gravely and deeper because I've been suffering from some
Blair:sinus and cough issues the last week or so.
Blair:But anyway, this has Blair and Martin.
Blair:Hey, Martin.
Blair:How are you?
Martin:Hi, Blair. I'm fine.
Martin:So we are back now, as you said.
Martin:We are green room, back in the saddle, cowboys or crawling out of Foxhole here.
Martin:We are back and we are doing a catch up thing here, episode 68.
Blair:That's right.
Martin:Talking about future plans, some statistics, some good news that you have found
Martin:and whatnot that's right.
Blair:This will be a short episode, but we wanted to get this out for our listeners.
Martin:Yeah. And you had some nice memories there when I celebrated this national Record
Martin:store day on my Heartland digital Town Hall Tea Party media.
Martin:So you said in your partner you had been at a conference there.
Martin:That was interesting music, right?
Blair:Well, it wasn't a conference, it was a concert.
Martin:Concert? Yeah.
Blair:One of my favorite all time bands is ELO, the Electric Light Orchestra.
Blair:And this was a tribute band called they called themselves Evil Woman, the American ELO.
Martin:Okay. But they are not evil, I hope.
Blair:And no, of course not.
Blair:They were spectacularly talented.
Blair:They had a four piece string section and two guitarists, a bass player, a drummer and two
Blair:It was quite two singers, female singer and a
Blair:male singer.
Blair:And they put on a two hour show that was
Blair:really good.
Blair:And sadly, though, I think it's where I cut my
Blair:cold nonetheless, that didn't subtract from the great show that they put on.
Blair:So, yeah, I think that was the same day as the National Record Store Day, which was almost
Blair:two weeks ago.
Blair:But thanks for mentioning that, or thanks for
Blair:bringing that up, because it was a great time and the tickets were free, so you can't beat
Martin:Yeah. And as we know, we'll come into nothing.
Martin:There ain't no such thing as a free lunch reference.
Martin:So somebody has to pay.
Martin:But maybe they had a tip jar or of course,
Martin:merchandise selling that or some other things.
Blair:They also did that.
Blair:They did that after the show.
Blair:But this show was held at a casino here in Northeast.
Blair:And of course, when you hit slots industry, when you hit the slots, you tend to
Martin:Han, when I have to mention this, this is like a local reference.
Martin:You have to take it as it is.
Martin:But the leading so called Social Democrat
Martin:Party in Sweden have something called the a lottery.
Martin:And they have special deals, like maybe as the casinos have also, some running them have
Martin:special deals with the state, no doubt, so they could get around all these taxes.
Martin:What or not.
Martin:It says in the media.
Martin:But it's huge money, cash cow for the Party and Propaganda Party.
Martin:And it's interesting that they're selling these tickets, and the people who buy the
Martin:tickets have the odds against them because you know about gambling like that.
Martin:But it's going directly to their cash for propaganda.
Martin:And the Socialist Party, good Social Democrat or the leading party, they are very hungry for
Martin:So now it has been a debate here about that,
Martin:because the non socialist are now in government, but they have their own lottery
Martin:But they have been very sneaky with saying who
Martin:is behind it.
Martin:So there was a bit of reference there.
Blair:Wow, that's interesting.
Blair:Now, believe me, the state where I live, in
Blair:order for the casino to operate, quote, legally, unquote, there was kickbacks.
Blair:And the state takes a certain percentage, which grows every year, so to speak, just to
Blair:keep their hands in the pocket, so to speak.
Blair:But anyway, yeah, that's neither here nor
Blair:It was a great time, but I just had a few
Blair:things I wanted to cover today when I was thinking about what to talk about.
Blair:I was just looking at the news and everything, and I've just got the positive news right.
Blair:Because there's negativity all around us.
Blair:And I wanted to just stress to our listeners
Blair:there's many, many good things that they can do for themselves to alleviate the negativity.
Blair:Of course, the number one thing is to read Iron Rand.
Blair:That was a great impetus for me to change my life some 40 years ago.
Martin:Have you read this is, like, for maybe a future guest here, but have you got that as
Martin:a recommendation, like Free Books by Rand? Have you read Romantic Manifesto lately?
Blair:Not lately, but I read it many years ago.
Martin:So maybe we should do a study group on that, because it was one that recommended
Martin:Mr. Lehman yeah, and I thought that got me,
Martin:like, a reminder.
Martin:I definitely have to check that out again.
Blair:I think the Iron Institute, it may be more for students than for adults like us, but
Blair:they have reading groups.
Blair:They've started reading groups.
Blair:But it's something to think about.
Blair:But there's certain essay, a couple of essays
Blair:I wanted to mention to our listeners.
Blair:One is, how does one lead a rational life in
Blair:an irrational society? That's from it's in the virtue of selfishness.
Blair:Little book.
Blair:The essay is only about eight or ten pages,
Blair:but Virtue of Selfishness, maybe 120 pages.
Blair:Just read the whole book as well as that
Blair:And then the other essay, I'm not sure if it's
Blair:in the same nonfiction book or if it's in a different one.
Blair:It's called what can one do? In other words, what can one person do to
Blair:influence events where they live? I think one of the oldest things here in
Blair:America is all politics is local.
Blair:Had a bit of a coughing fit there.
Blair:All politics is local.
Blair:And reach out, speak out whenever you can, provided, as she would say, provided, you
Blair:know, what you're saying.
Blair:But two of the websites that I find
Blair:fascinating and helpful in keeping a positive frame of mind, one is called
Blair:HumanProgress.org, and they wrote that book, Superabundance that's just been out recently.
Blair:We hope to get those that author on Earth or if there's more than one, both of them.
Blair:And then therootsofprogress.org O-R-G with Jason Crawford.
Blair:I recently corresponded with him, and he will definitely be a future guest.
Blair:So when he's working on a book right now, he said.
Blair:And when that's done, he'll be glad to come on the show.
Blair:Go ahead.
Martin:Yeah. Blair because we want to stay positive.
Martin:And right now, what we could do right now, we thank you, as I said, always Industrial
Martin:Revolution, but also what's going on after and so on.
Martin:And the semi free market, capitalist market to reflect on that on a daily basis.
Martin:But on the other hand, we see powers and dark elements trying to go back, certainly.
Martin:And you had some thoughts about that also, that we'll probably talk about more in the
Martin:The battle between Plato and Aristotle that
Martin:can come around in different shapes and forms.
Martin:Yes, it is.
Martin:That's great news.
Martin:Because you really need that because sometimes
Martin:you could focus on daily news.
Martin:And that's why we have a news segment, news
Martin:sandwich segment.
Martin:But we want to have at least double the
Martin:positive news and then the not so good news and learn from that.
Blair:I just thought of this again.
Blair:I do want to mention one other book.
Blair:It was by Dr. Leonard Pikoff called the ominous parallels.
Blair:The end of freedom in America was the subtitle.
Blair:And I would encourage listeners to try to find that book and not he edited it and rereleased
Blair:it as The Rise of Hitler, which I think is a weak substitute sorry, Dr. Peacock.
Blair:To his original work.
Blair:Because his original work there's at least one
Blair:or two chapters that is probably the greatest tribute to America that I've ever read in my
Martin:To take it to context.
Martin:And we were gladly to take the input or
Martin:feedback or why it was because it took him a long time to write that, but it was so
Martin:But maybe then this new one with Hitler in the
Martin:title is to really shake people and the attention grabber.
Martin:Maybe possibly because they have done one book about politics, for example, that Peter
Martin:Schwartz like a compilation also.
Martin:So it could be for that reason that you really want to reach new markets and coming out.
Martin:But I really appreciate that you said go back also.
Martin:And I think buy both and read both and then compare, as you said.
Blair:Okay. Yeah.
Martin:So I think that could be the reason that they wanted to reach new markets and
Martin:maybe see how that could be to package in that way.
Martin:But still, of course, in the new one also, because I have only the old one is so the
Martin:paperback is so yes, you really get your attention with the symbolic things there.
Martin:So maybe it could be also that they have a reference back to Voridinal also, of course,
Martin:and even Rand's works have been that also in different covers and different versions.
Blair:Yes, true.
Martin:But if you could find Voridnal and also I remember is that still around the paper
Blair:No, he retired.
Martin:That gentleman retired because when I had you could afford it and find some games
Martin:and he was so friendly and reaching out.
Martin:I remember I think I bought like and others.
Martin:It was a great source of that.
Martin:And of course, if you want to have it, both
Martin:value the content, but also maybe like a collector, he had some great gems there.
Blair:Yes, gems, yes.
Blair:You could always try to find it PaperTiger.
Blair:I'm not sure if it's dot or something.
Martin:Yeah, we'll link to that in show notes.
Martin:Do you have anything else there? Any other good news that you want to share?
Blair:Well, I think let me touch a little bit on what we talked about in the green room.
Blair:We're thinking about doing a new trailer and also adding another jingle or two to the show
Blair:along with our original one.
Blair:The gentleman who created that for us, I
Blair:really liked that.
Blair:So we're going to go back to him and see if he
Blair:can do another one for us in the future.
Blair:But anyway, that's about it.
Blair:That's about it for me.
Martin:Yeah. So the trailer is similar to like a trailer for a movie.
Martin:Why should they listen to us? And again, thanks Kyrene Down of Mere Mortars
Martin:that did this podcast episode about our podcast.
Martin:And so great review.
Martin:So that's great to hear.
Martin:But when it's coming from us, in our words, sometimes it could be hard.
Martin:Why should they listen to us? We take it for granted now in a way.
Martin:And the show is running and we are doing it for our own sake and our selfish reasons.
Martin:Yes, but of course we want individuals to listen to us and give us positive feedback and
Martin:feedback loop and support us, our work.
Martin:But then a new trailer could be that maybe we
Martin:will reach new audiences, old ones will come back to us, et cetera and so on.
Martin:So I think that could be in place often trailer, they use it maybe then if you have a
Martin:new season or maybe they change the format of a podcast.
Martin:Otherwise the original trailer that you make will always be there.
Martin:But I remember when we did it, it was almost like a meaning episode also because we had so
Martin:much to say, wanted to cram it in into trailer.
Martin:So it was a long trailer.
Martin:So now it will be maybe it's more short and
Martin:sweet and so on.
Martin:But on the other hand, it's interesting when
Martin:you especially have guests that you could reach new audiences and they have their
Martin:friends and supporters and others.
Martin:And also the topic, of course.
Martin:And we will think more about that in the
Martin:future, how we could mix it up a bit and develop.
Martin:And we are welcoming again thanks to the activist meeting there on Zoom that we had.
Martin:But so great feedback and input and questions about our podcast and the name and the blog
Martin:and so on.
Martin:I really appreciate that.
Martin:So thanks again for arranging that.
Blair:Oh, it's my pleasure.
Blair:Yeah, they had a great time as well.
Martin:Go ahead.
Martin:About what I've been up to.
Martin:I recently had a live event because we have a digital town hall on Heartland called the
Martin:Secular Foxhole.
Martin:So we will do something there.
Martin:Sometimes it's the chicken and egg situation.
Martin:We ourselves have to be more active, but it's
Martin:But it's also one technical aspect of it and
Martin:the content aspect, it's free, it's privacy, it's no data mining, it's no algorithms, and
Martin:it's by an independent company like entrepreneurs, and we want to support them
Martin:And I have great ideas about what we could do
Martin:with it, but of course we have to add value.
Martin:Why should we, for example, do a live event?
Martin:And I have some ideas, so we will talk about that bounce back and forth, blair and also
Martin:maybe we'll get input from other objectivists and other individuals that are interested in
Martin:this topic.
Martin:The separation of state and church, but also
Martin:state and economy and so on.
Martin:Education and everything is connected.
Martin:That's something to do.
Martin:So then I had about Podcasting 2.0 and about
Martin:Value for Value model new podcast apps that you could, for example, make a clip and send
Martin:donation and boost the grams with Digital Telegram with a note of appreciation.
Martin:And you could also stream sets.
Martin:So I think that will be the model in the
Martin:future that you would make a conscious decision that I want to support this podcast
Martin:on a regular basis and say I want to stream ten sets, 100 sets, whatever per minute.
Martin:Similarly, when you use the service, like for example Apple Music or Spotify or whatever,
Martin:you pay something per month.
Martin:Now you could decide with your own means and
Martin:budget because it takes some time, energy and cost in order to run a show.
Martin:And if you get that appreciation in different ways, it could be that somebody share
Martin:something like what Karen Downe again did for us with doing a review.
Martin:Yes, that's priceless in a way.
Martin:And then you could have like Jim that we have
Martin:paid for, of course, to do this, but that's also some talent to do and we want to add him
Martin:and include him in the show notes, and we talking about that.
Martin:We should probably update our artwork also in the future.
Martin:And then we have some ideas who we could contact.
Martin:I had a good contact on Fiverr doing that, but maybe even more artistic or more what we want.
Martin:But you and I, we can't do it ourselves because we are artists, but then we have to
Martin:pay for that and then we want to in one way cover that and maybe that could become
Martin:And we have all kind of ideas here.
Martin:So talking about a little bit about stats.
Martin:So now on this Op free that I sent you, this
Martin:project by John Spurlock with Openstats service, there we are.
Martin:Fountain app is number two after Apple and ahead of Spotify in the recent period and
Martin:podverse is also on the list.
Martin:So I think that's fascinating that the new
Martin:podcast apps are now used.
Martin:And I know, for example, I could do a shout
Martin:out directly to him, roland Horowatt, he's using that because I see his streaming sets.
Martin:So he's streaming sets to us and we get that.
Martin:But also when he streams, he gets some
Martin:satoshis for listen to podcasts on Fountain.
Blair:Yeah, good.
Martin:So that's a great example.
Martin:And we're now even more markets and countries.
Martin:But I thought it was nice to see new podcast apps and new alternatives that you could use
Martin:that really could benefit us and also the app developers and also stir around in the pot a
Martin:little bit because we probably will come up with that in the future.
Martin:We are for all commercial businesses, if are acting in a good way, of course.
Martin:But we also see this, how do you say, positionized with when the state and Big
Martin:Brother and others, starting with lobbying and agendas and platforming.
Martin:It's a bit scary.
Martin:And also these algorithms that putting you in
Martin:certain buckets and you get feeded in different information, right.
Martin:So that's probably something we'll come back and we have also already touched on that in
Martin:different episodes.
Blair:I think we have, yes.
Martin:So the call to action here is download a new podcast app like Fountain, podverse, et
Martin:cetera, and check out newpodcastapps.com or the shorter URL is now podcastapps.com.
Martin:And that was a guy who bought that domain and gave it to the Podcast Index and Dave Jones
Martin:and Adam Curry.
Martin:So Roland Harvard, I think he has streamed and
Martin:sent 1488 sets.
Martin:And I will also include in the show notes what
Martin:one set is converted into the fiat currency.
Martin:And then mere mortals carrying down 1066 sets and then a new donor and sponsor
Martin:that is into music, more electronic music and so on.
Martin:I think the tone record 852 sets and right now I can't find it.
Martin:But I think he made a comment on Fountain also saying thanks for explaining value for value
Martin:in your way.
Martin:Yeah, good, that's great.
Martin:And that's probably thanks to that I had posted on Podcast Index, social on Mastodon
Martin:and promoting our episodes now and then.
Blair:That's great.
Blair:Martin good.
Martin:And it was fun talking about music.
Martin:Dave Jones, he is a drummer also and he will
Martin:maybe do a show there with like a cover band.
Martin:And now you have to help me with the name
Martin:I like her much.
Blair:Oh, Shania Twain.
Martin:That's great.
Martin:And also this Rush album boostogram 2112.
Martin:It's neat to send a donation like that.
Martin:And also that Dave Jones is a tracker, so he
Martin:would have like a meet up with Shatner.
Martin:Is that the correct name?
Blair:Yeah, William Shatner.
Martin:Yes. So that's pretty cool.
Blair:Yes, it is.
Martin:And you maybe will sooner or later meet Rob Greenley because he's in your area.
Blair:Yes, I know.
Blair:I reached out to him, but he's pretty busy.
Blair:But we'll see if I can follow up with that someday.
Martin:Yeah, so that's great.
Martin:And I could recommend you to check out New
Martin:Media Show with Todd Cochrane and Rob Greenley and I often talk about this value for value,
Martin:so that's great to hear.
Blair:Yes, it is.
Martin:And also for us, as podcasts, they give lots of great tips and talking about
Martin:trends and what's going on.
Martin:And we have talked about that in Green room.
Martin:Also, we are maybe not bleeding edge or cutting edge, but in some cases we are ahead
Martin:of a game.
Martin:And I remember how you introduced me to
Martin:bitcoin and this orange pill and swan bitcoin and other things like that, and also
Martin:podcasters that are talking about this topic now and then.
Martin:So that's great to get introduced to new things.
Martin:So, again, thanks to Dave Wexler for giving us a primer on bitcoin.
Blair:That's right.
Martin:So we will do probably a follow up on that also topic.
Martin:We will so how to onboarding guests and listeners and fellow podcasters.
Martin:It's a new project here and a new service and an app called podfans FM by Sam SETI.
Martin:So, Blair, I think you should also join that.
Martin:It's in Alpha mode right now, so it's not when
Martin:it will be B time, when it will be in full blown application.
Martin:But I had a great team with him demonstration and I really saw the lightware what this could
Martin:do in the future.
Martin:So he have lots of great features and it will
Martin:be easier for guests to be onboarding and also with a bit of gamification.
Martin:But if you are listeners, you will earn Satushis also in that way he has a cooperation
Martin:with Getalbie.com Albie.
Martin:That is like a wallet that you could send
Martin:Satushis directly if you want.
Martin:You have that also.
Martin:Is it secular Foxhole at Getalba you have or what do you have?
Blair:I do not.
Martin:Okay. We will include that in the correct one.
Martin:If I want to send Satoshis, I have Lyceum@getalba.com and I even put that on my
Martin:Twitter profile talking about that.
Martin:That probably have come back to Twitter,
Martin:what's going on there? And he's interesting crypto there, Elon Musk
Martin:and so on.
Blair:Yes, he is a little bit.
Martin:I did an episode on Teapotty Media, my podcast there about podfans FM that I will
Martin:include in the show notes.
Martin:And we'll talk more about what's going on in this area regarding crypto and this
Martin:decentralized finance system.
Martin:And it's really important to talk about it
Martin:because, as you said, go to your local because it's different in different states, right?
Blair:Yes, it is.
Martin:And we also see, like in South America, what's going on there.
Martin:It's really fascinating what's happening.
Blair:There a lot of activity.
Martin:Yeah. So we'll come back to that.
Martin:So I think that's what's, for now, we said we
Martin:will do it short and sweet, and we're already babbling for almost half an hour, so we should
Martin:do a wrap.
Blair:All right, go ahead.
Martin:Yeah. You will give me more book recommendations and so on.
Martin:Do you have anything here to the listeners that you recommend or reading or listening to
Martin:right at the moment? Well, more than the one that you have
Martin:mentioned already.
Blair:That's a great list.
Blair:Let me just reiterate the book superabundance
Blair:by the foundersofhumanprogress.org.
Blair:I think that would be, again, uplifting to
Blair:But that's it for me.
Blair:I've got to do some other things here, my friend.
Martin:So take care and get well, Blair, and talk to you soon again.
Blair:I will do my best.
Blair:And you take care also, Martin.
Blair:Bye bye.